

German and French Ambassadors Visit IHB

On July 3, 2024, Patricia Flor, German Ambassador to China, and Bertrand Lortholary, French Ambassador to China, visited IHB.(Credit: IHB)

On July 3, 2024, Patricia Flor, German Ambassador to China, and Bertrand Lortholary, French Ambassador to China, visited the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB).

MIAO Wei, director of IHB, expressed warm greetings to both ambassadors and provided an overview of the institute’s long-standing collaborations with research teams from Germany and France in scientific research, academic exchange, and personnel visits. He looked forward to deepening these cooperative relationships in the future.

Ambassadors Flor and Lortholary engaged in discussions with IHB researchers on topics such as environmental protection, biodiversity, and climate change. Both ambassadors praised the institute’s achievements in species conservation within the Yangtze River basin and expressed a desire to strengthen collaboration with Chinese scientists in the areas of environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, and climate change.

Researchers present at the meeting shared their experiences with scientific cooperation and academic exchanges with Germany and France, highlighting how these collaborations have significantly advanced scientific research in relevant fields.

After the meeting, the ambassadors visited the Baiji Dolphinarium, where they commended the institute’s work in the conservation and artificial breeding of the Yangtze finless porpoise.

ZHANG Xiaomei, director-general of the Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) of Hubei Province. of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, accompanied the visit.

The ambassadors visited the Baiji Dolphinarium, where they commended the institute’s work in the conservation and artificial breeding of the Yangtze finless porpoise.(Credit: IHB)