
Title: Aphanochaete xiantaoensis sp. nov., a new member of green algal genus Aphanochaete (Chaetophoraceae, Chaetophorales) based on morphology and molecular phylogeny
First author: Liu, Benwen; Ge, Jianhua; Chen, Yangliang; Yan, Qiufeng; Zhu, Huan; Liu, Guoxiang
Years: 2023
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1007/s11756-023-01484-6
Abstract: The green algal genus Aphanochaete consists of species with uniseriate, simple, or irregularly branched, prostrate, and erect filaments, with cells bearing unsheathed unicellular hairs with or without bulbous bases. In this study, 12 strains of Aphanochaete were isolated and successfully cultured and their phylogenetic relationships were determined using the morphological data, along with 18 S rDNA and a concatenated dataset of four markers (18 S + 5.8 S + ITS2 + partial 28 S rDNA). Within the genus Aphanochaete, three types of zoospore germination and two types of unicellular hairs distinguished all the clades of this genus, which was consistent with molecular phylogeny and the compensatory case changes in ITS2 secondary structures. Aphanochaete xiantaoensis was determined to be a new species owing to its unique unipolar zoospore germination, which clearly differed from bipolar or cruciate zoospore germination in other species. While molecular phylogeny indicated that the number of hairs per cell was the poor taxonomic characteristics, we propose to list A. polychaete as a synonym of A. repens. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that different species within the genus Aphanochaete might have evolved from bipolar zoospore germination toward cruciate and unipolar zoospore germination.