
Title: The impact of land use on stream macroinvertebrates: a bibliometric analysis for 2010-2021
First author: Wang, Xingzhong; Li, Jie; Tan, Lu; Yao, Jianliang; Zheng, Ying; Shen, Qingna; Tan, Xiang
Years: 2023
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-023-11235-4
Abstract: Changes in stream biodiversity are now mainly driven by land-use development. However, a literature review on the impact of land use on stream macroinvertebrates is lacking, especially a scientometric review. Here, we bibliometrically analyzed the literature on land use and stream macroinvertebrates that were published in 2010-2021 and listed in the Web of Science database. We found that the impact of land use on stream macroinvertebrates had been increasingly studied and that these studies were distributed across the globe and had multi-national collaborations. Through co-citation analysis and high-frequency keyword analysis, we found that land use and some environmental factors, especially water quality and habitat, affected macroinvertebrate community biodiversity, biotic integrity, and patterns. Macroinvertebrate traits, analytical methods or models, evaluation index development, and riparian vegetation were the research hotspots. Using historical direct citation network analysis, we also found that the analytical methods in this field and the macroinvertebrate evaluation index had clear development trends from 2010 to 2021. Our findings can help researchers quickly grasp the background of the impact of land use on stream macroinvertebrates and inform future research.