
Title: Introducing Cyanodorina gen. nov. and Cyanodorina ovale sp. nov. (Microcystaceae, Chroococcales), a Novel Coccoid Cyanobacterium Isolated from Caohai Lake in China Based on a Polyphasic Approach
First author: Chen, Wei; Li, Shuyin; Xu, Yuanzhao; Geng, Ruozhen; Song, Gaofei; Ma, Peiming
Years: 2023
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.3390/d15030329
Abstract: The Chroococcales is one of the least studied cyanobacterial orders comprising the non-baeocyte-producing coccoids cyanobacteria with stacked and fasciculated thylakoids. During a survey of aquatic biodiversity in Caohai Lake in Guizhou Province, China, a coccoid-like cyanobacterium was isolated. It was characterized using a polyphasic approach, based on morphology, electron microscopy, and molecular phylogenetic analyses. This species' colonies exhibited morphological similarity to those of Microcystis species but differed in their larger colony sizes and widely oval cells. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of this species had the maximum homology, corresponding to 93.10%, to that of the genus Microcystis. The results of 16S rRNA gene threshold value and 16S rRNA phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the studied species belongs to the family Microcystaceae but is phylogenetically distinct from the other species of Microcystaceae. Furthermore, The D1-D1 ', Box-B helix, and V3 helix of the 16S-23S ITS region were also different from those previously described in Microcystaceae taxa. Combining the morphological, ecological, and molecular features of the coccoid-like cyanobacterium, we here propose the establishment of the Cyanodorina gen. nov. and the Cyanodorina ovale sp. nov.