
Title: Sediments are important in regulating the algae-derived off-flavor (?-cyclocitral) in eutrophic lakes
First author: Ren, Ren; Deng, Xuwei; Lu, Wenze; Xiao, Rao; Ping, Xie; Jun, Chen
Years: 2023
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162536
Abstract: In recent years, due to global warming and water eutrophication, cyanobacterial blooms have occurred frequently worldwide, resulting in a series of water quality problems, among which the odor problem in lakes is one of the focuses of attention. In the late stage of the bloom, a large amount of algae accumulated on the surface sediment, which will be a great hidden danger to cause odor pollution in lakes. j3-Cyclocitral is one of the typical algae-derived odor com-pounds that cause odor in lakes. In this study, an annual survey of 13 eutrophic lakes in the Taihu Lake basin was in-vestigated to assess the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on j3-cyclocitral in water. Our results showed that high concentrations of j3-cyclocitral in the pore water (pore-j3-cyclocitral) were detected in the sediment and far exceeded that in the water column, with an average of about 100.37 times. Structural equation modeling indicated that algal biomass and pore-j3-cyclocitral can directly regulate the concentrations of j3-cyclocitral in the water column, and total phosphorus (TP) and temperature (Temp) promoted the algal biomass which further enhanced the production of j3-cyclocitral both in the water column and pore water. It was worth noting that when Chla >= 30 mu g/L, the effects of algae on pore-j3-cyclocitral were significantly enhanced, and pore-j3-cyclocitral played a major role in the regulation of j3-cyclocitral concentrations in water column. Overall, our study facilitated a comprehensive and systematic under-standing of the effects of algae on odorants and the dynamic regulatory processes in complex aquatic ecosystems, and revealed a long-neglected process, that was, the important contribution of sediments to j3-cyclocitral in the water col-umn in eutrophic lakes, which would conduce to a more accurate understanding of the evolution of off flavors in lakes and also useful for the management of odors in lakes in the future.