
Title: High nitrous oxide (N2O) greenhouse gas reduction potential of Pseudomonas sp. YR02 under aerobic condition
First author: Wang, Yuren; Deng, Min; Li, Biqing; Li, Lu; Oon, Yoong-Sin; Zhao, Xiaoli; Song, Kang
Years: 2023
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128994
Abstract: Aerobic environments exist widely in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and are unfavorable for greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction. Here, a novel strain Pseudomonas sp. YR02, which can perform N2O reduction under aerobic conditions, was isolated. The successful amplification of four denitrifying genes proved its com-plete denitrifying ability. The inorganic nitrogen (IN) removal efficiencies (NRE) were >98.0% and intracellular nitrogen and gaseous nitrogen account for 52.6-58.4% and 41.6-47.4% of input nitrogen, respectively. The priority of IN utilization was TAN > NO3--N > NO2--N. The optimal conditions for IN and N2O removal were consistent, except for the C/N ratio, which is 15 and 5 for IN and N2O removal, respectively. The biokinetic constants analysis indicated strain YR02 had high potential to treat high ammonia and dissolved N2O wastewater. Strain YR02 bioaugmentation mitigated 98.7% of N2O emission and improved 32% NRE in WWTP, proving its application potential for N2O mitigation.