
Title: Investigation of toxic effect of mercury on Microcystis aeruginosa: Correlation between intracellular mercury content at single cells level and algae physiological responses
First author: Tang, Wenxiao; He, Man; Chen, Beibei; Ruan, Gang; Xia, Yixue; Xu, Pingping; Song, Gaofei; Bi, Yonghong; Hu, Bin
Years: 2023
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159894
Abstract: Single-cell studies can help to understand individual differences and obtain atypical cellular characteristics in view of cellular heterogeneity. Herein, the accumulation of mercury (Hg) in single algae cells was studied by droplet chip-time resolved inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analytical system, and the relation of Hg accumulation to the physiological responses of algae cell was explored. When low concentrations of Hg2+ (5-20 mu g/L) were used in the exposure experiment, the content of Hg in single cells increased in first 2 h, then decreased with further increase of exposure time to 96 h, probably due to the growth dilution effect of the algae. When exposed to 30 mu g/L Hg2+, the uptake of Hg by individual cells increased over time, which was associated with increased cell membrane permeabil-ity. The exposure to Hg2+ (5-30 mu g/L) inhibited the growth of algae in a concentration-dependent manner and serious growth inhibition occurred under the exposure concentration of 30 mu g/L. While the exposure concentration was lower than 20 mu g/L, algal cells exhibited a recover tendency due to the self-protection mechanism of algal cells. Bivariate results showed that intracellular Hg accumulation was significantly negatively correlated with cells growth in terms of OD680, photosynthetic pigments, F-v/F-m and PIabs. On the contrast, reactive oxygen species content, superoxide dismutase activity, and cell membrane permeability were significantly positively correlated with the accumulation of intracellular Hg. These results are helpful to further understand the toxic effect of Hg on algae.