
Title: Effects of Secretoneurin and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist on the Spawning of Captive Greater Amberjack (Seriola dumerili)
First author: Song, Yanlong; Jiang, Yinjun; Chen, Ji; Tao, Binbin; Xu, Wen; Huang, Yang; Li, Guangli; Zhu, Chunhua; Hu, Wei
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.3390/life12091457
Abstract: The greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili), a pelagic marine species with a global distribution, has considerable worldwide potential as an aquaculture species. However, difficulties have been encountered in inducing spontaneous spawning in cultured fish stocks. In this study, we analysed the key regulatory factors, secretoneurin (SN) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), in greater amberjack. Active peptides of SN and GnRH, SdSNa, and SdGnRH, respectively, were obtained by comparative analysis of homologous proteins from different species. Amino acid substitutions of the SdGnRH decapeptide at position 6 with a dextrorotatory (D) amino acid and at position 10 with an ethylamide group yielded a super-active agonist (SdGnRHa). The injection of SdSNa and SdGnRHa elevated luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and oxytocin levels in the sera of sexually mature fish, whereas it reduced the level of follicle-stimulating hormone. Furthermore, in response to the SdSNa and SdGnRHa injections, we detected an increase in the expression of genes associated with oocyte development and spermatogenesis. We established that the greater amberjack cultured along the southern coast of China reached sexual maturity at three years of age, and its reproductive season extended from February to April. Spawning of the cultured greater amberjack was successfully induced with a single injection of SdGnRHa/SdSN/DOM/HCG. Our findings indicate that similar to GnRHa, SNa is a potential stimulator of reproduction that can be used to artificially induce spawning in marine fish.