
Title: Identification and analysis of smORFs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
First author: Peng, Zhao; Yao, Sheng; Zhang, Baolong; Huang, Kaiyao; Wan, Cuihong
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2022.110444
Abstract: Small open reading frames (smORFs) have been acknowledged as an important partner in organism functions ranging from bacteria to higher eukaryotes. However, there is a lack of investigation of smORFs in green algae, despite their importance in ecology and evolution. We applied bioinformatic analysis, ribosome profiling, and small peptide proteomics to provide a genome-wide and high-confident smORF database in the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The whole genome was screened first to mine potential coding smORFs. Then conservative analysis, ribosome profiling, and proteomics data were processed to identify conserved smORFs and generate translation evidence. The combination of procedures resulted in 2014 smORFs that might exist in the C. reinhardtii genome. The expression of smORFs in Cd treatment suggested that two smORFs might participate in redox reaction, three in inorganic phosphate transport, and one in DNA repair under stress. Our study built a genome-widely database in C. reinhardtii, providing target smORFs for further research.