
Title: Simulating Ecological Effects of a Waterway Project in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Based on Hydraulic Indicators on the Spawning Habitats of Four Major Chinese Carp Species
First author: Yin, Shuran; Yang, Yunpig; Wang, Jianjun; Zhang, Jie; Cai, Qinghua; Zhu, Yude; Wang, Chenyang
Journal: WATER
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.3390/w14142147
Abstract: The adaptability of fish to their habitats is closely related to river hydraulics. While navigation channel projects aim to improve the navigation conditions by adjusting the hydrodynamic force of local river sections, the impacts of these projects on the hydraulic indicators of habitats of the four major Chinese carp species (FMCCs) remain unclear. Taking the Daijiazhou reach in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River as a case study, a mathematical model for spawning suitability was established to simulate changes in these hydraulic indicators before and after the implementation of a navigation channel project. The optimal flow rate interval for the spawning of the FMCCs was 17,500-22,000 m(3)center dot s(-1). After the navigation channel project was implemented, the habitat suitability index (HSI) and weighted useable area (WUA) increased across the spawning habitats of all FMCCs, indicating that the project implementation created more habitat space. The central bar (Chihugang central bar) became exposed during the dry season, with the HSI and WUA decreasing under low water flow but increasing under medium-low or higher water flow levels. At the Daijiazhou bar head floodplain, which remained unexposed during the dry season, the HSI and WUA increased after project implementation, providing more space for spawning and habitation for the FMCCs. For the low point bar with bank gullies (Lejiawan point bar), the implementation of the bar protection zone project restricted gully development, with the HSI and WUA decreasing for all FMCCs. Based on the above impacts of navigation channel projects on the hydrodynamic environment of fish habitats, this paper provides a reference for the optimization of navigation channel arrangement as well as for the restoration of fish habitats.