
Title: Automated analysis of microplastics based on vibrational spectroscopy: are we measuring the same metrics?
First author: Dong, Mingtan; She, Zhenbing; Xiong, Xiong; Ouyang, Guang; Luo, Zejiao
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1007/s00216-022-03951-6
Abstract: The traditional manual analysis of microplastics has been criticized for its labor-intensive, inaccurate identification of small microplastics, and the lack of uniformity. There are already three automated analysis strategies for microplastics based on vibrational spectroscopy: laser direct infrared (LDIR)-based particle analysis, Raman-based particle analysis, and focal plane array-Fourier transform infrared (FPA-FTIR) imaging. We compared their performances in terms of quantification, detection limit, size measurement, and material identification accuracy and speed by analyzing the same standard and environmental samples. LDIR-based particle analysis provides the fastest analysis speed, but potentially questionable material identification and quantification results. The number of particles smaller than 60 mu m recognized by LDIR-based particle analysis is much less than that recognized by Raman-based particle analysis. Misidentification could occur due to the narrow tuning range from 1800 to 975 cm(-1) and dispersive artifact distortion of infrared spectra collected in reflection mode. Raman-based particle analysis has a submicrometer detection limit but should be cautiously used in the automated analysis of microplastics in environmental samples because of the strong fluorescence interference. FPA-FTIR imaging provides relatively reliable quantification and material identification for microplastics in environmental samples greater than 20 mu m but might provide an imprecise description of the particle shapes. Optical photothermal infrared (O-PTIR) spectroscopy can detect submicron-sized environmental microplastics (0.5-5 mu m) intermingled with a substantial amount of biological matrix; the resulting spectra are searchable in infrared databases without the influence of fluorescence interference, but the process would need to be fully automated.