
Title: Study on the application and optimization of domestic sewage treatment demonstration based on a novel biofilter-constructed wetland coupling system
First author: Wang, X.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Shi, W.; Yang, Y.; Kong, L.
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1007/s13762-022-03939-w
Abstract: A novel biofilter-constructed wetland coupling system has been applied more than 160 domestic sewage treatment projects in different cities of Zhejiang province, China. The performance of a randomly selected project (flux rate was 27.0 m(3)/d) based on the coupling system was evaluated in long-term, and the effluent monitoring by big data analysis showed a relatively stable and good water quality. The effluent concentrations of CODCr, NH4+-N and TP were 37.57 +/- 11.17 mg/L, 5.64 +/- 1.69 mg/L and 0.82 +/- 0.16 mg/L, respectively, which met the first-class of Standards for Discharge of Water Pollutants from Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment Facilities (DB33/973-2015). The concentrations of effluent TP showed a strong polynomial curve fitting with effluent NH4+-N concentrations (R-2 = 0.9329) according to the big data analysis. Besides, the concentrations of effluent CODCr had a strong positive linear correlation with the concentrations of effluent NH4+-N (R-2 = 0.9297), which increased with the increase of effluent TP concentrations (R-2 = 0.6957). Results also showed pH ranged from 6.46 to 6.57, and C/N (CODCr/NH4+-N) had stronger correlation with pH (R-2 = 0.6441), while the concentration of effluent NH4+-N and effluent TP had weak correlation with pH (R-2 = 0.3348 and R-2 = 0.4834, respectively). The findings might have very important guiding significance for the future monitoring methods of water effluent quality of treatment facility and the cost reduction of monitoring management. Moreover, a demonstration and experiments were carried out for a contrast study of the enhanced system (b) and original system (a). The removal efficiency of CODCr, NH4+-N and TP of the enhanced system (b) was 81.33, 90.22 and 75.44%, respectively, which increased by 4.33, 9.11 and 13.77%, respectively, compared to the original system (a).