
Title: Blubber fatty acid compositions in different geographic populations of finless porpoise in Chinese waters: implications for thermal adaptation
First author: Tang, Bin; Zhang, Ya; Zhang, Peijun; LI, Songhai; Zheng, Jinsong; Tang, Wenqiao; Wang, Kexiong; Wang, Ding; Hao, Yujiang
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12610
Abstract: The stratification of blubber fatty acids (FAs) is a widely used strategy in marine mammals and can be influenced by many factors, including their diet, environmental temperature, and physiological status. There are 3 distinct finless porpoise species/subspecies in Chinese coastal and inland waters in a wide range from 20 degrees N to 40 degrees N. The biochemical stratification of the blubbers of finless porpoises in different regions may provide valuable information for understanding their environmental adaptations. The FA compositions of 4 geographic populations of finless porpoise (FP) collected from the Bohai Gulf, East China Sea, South China Sea, and Yangtze River were therefore analyzed and compared. The blubber FA compositions of finless porpoises were dominated by sigma MUFAs, followed by sigma SFAs and sigma PUFAs, and were generally consistent with those of other cetaceans. The blubber of finless porpoises was significantly stratified with increasing levels of sigma MUFAs and decreasing levels of sigma SFAs and sigma PUFAs from the inner to the outer layers. The 3 marine populations shared more similarities in their FA compositions and stratifications compared to the freshwater porpoises, particularly regarding the PUFAs in the inner layers, which might have been mainly influenced by the diet compositions of marine and freshwater porpoises. Contrary to what was expected, in the 3 marine populations, the SFA and MUFA levels showed opposite correlations (negative and positive, respectively) with habitat temperatures, possibly indicating an adaptation mechanism in finless porpoises characterized by a trade-off between the insulation and fluidity properties of the blubber through the adjustment of the compositions and gradients of MUFAs and SFAs across the blubber depth in response to environmental temperature/latitude changes.