
Title: Effects of river-lake disconnection and eutrophication on freshwater mollusc assemblages in floodplain lakes: Loss of congeneric species leads to changes in both assemblage composition and taxonomic relatedness
First author: Jiang, Xiaoming; Li, Zhengfei; Shu, Fengyue; Chen, Jing
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118330
Abstract: River floodplain ecosystems host one of the highest freshwater molluscan biodiversity on Earth. However, multiple human disturbances, such as loss of hydrological connectivity and deterioration of water quality, are seriously threatening most floodplain lakes throughout the world. Given the high imperilment rate of freshwater molluscs but the scarcity of studies examining the anthropogenic effects on this fauna, we test the response of mollusc assemblages to river-lake disconnection and eutrophication in 30 lakes in the Yangtze River floodplain, China. The species richness of entire Mollusca, Gastmpoda and Bivalvia and 6 dominant families were all much lower at disconnected lakes than that in connected lakes, and decreased with increasing water eutrophication. The assemblage structure differed significantly among four lake groups for datasets based on entire Mollusca, Gastropoda and Bivalvia, indicating the serious impacts of hydrological disconnection and eutrophication. Moreover, the connected lakes showed significantly lower values of average taxonomic distinctness (Delta(+)) but higher values of variation in taxonomic distinctness (Lambda(+)) than disconnected lakes. Such variations were triggered by the extirpation of congeneric and endemic species (mainly from families Unionidae and Viviparidae), which giving a waring of the loss of mollusc endemism in this region. In general, the present study showed that riverlake disconnection and deterioration of water quality resulted in serious biodiversity declines of both gastropods and bivalves in the Yangtze River floodplain lakes. A systematic approach including restoration of river-lake connectivity and habitats and improvement of water quality should be implemented in the conservation planning in this large river floodplain.