
Title: Survival strategies of phytoplankton functional groups to environmental factors in a drinking water reservoir, central China
First author: Huang, Guojia; Wang, Xiaoqing; Chen, Yushun; Deng, Long; Xu, Dajian
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1051/limn/2021016
Abstract: In this study, we used the phytoplankton functional group index, survival strategies and environmental conditions in the Zhushuqiao reservoir to detect overall phytoplankton survival strategies (C-S-R) in the entire reservoir water column, and assess quantitative relationships between phytoplankton survival strategies and environment, which may help for future reservoir management. In this study, use survival strategies of phytoplankton functional groups to environmental factors in a drinking water reservoir. Survival strategies of phytoplankton in drinking water reservoirs were rarely analysed. Dynamics and survival strategies of phytoplankton community in Zhushuqiao Reservoir (Changsha, China) were studied bimonthly from April 2016 to February 2017 to fill this gap. In spring, species of CRS-strategy that adapted to low water temperature, light, and nutrient dominated. There were small individuals of opportunistic colonists of C-strategy observed before stratification. With the increase of nutrient and water temperature in summer, slightly bigger, disturbance-tolerant species of R-strategy and species of CS-strategy that adapted to stratification dominated. In winter, some species adapted to low water temperature, which were R-strategists. Key factors driven seasonal phytoplankton succession were water temperature, total phosphorus, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Attention should be paid to potential threats from algal bloom species with C-strategy, and future longer-term monitoring of the system and its surrounding watersheds is greatly needed.