
Title: Spatial distribution of phosphorus forms and the release risk of sediments phosphorus in West Lake, Hangzhou, China
First author: Xu, Dong; Yan, Pan; Liu, Zisen; Zhang, Mingzhen; Yan, Wenhao; Liu, Yunli; Wu, Zhenbin; Zhang, Yi
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106421
Abstract: Phosphorus (P) forms and the release risk in sediments were studied in West Lake, Hangzhou, China. The results of P forms being evaluated show that inorganic P (IP) accounted for 40.37-75.27% of the total P (TP), organic P (OP) accounted for 24.74-61.79%, IP was present at the highest levels. P bound to aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) oxides and hydroxides (Fe/Al-P) accounted for 15.41-47.39% of the TP, calcium-associated P (Ca-P) was accounted for 8.33-49.69% and kept at a comparatively steady level. The P release risk of the sediment was evaluated through the P sorption index (PSI) and degree of P saturation (DPS). The results showed that the concentration of P in the sediment was mainly related to the active iron-aluminum oxides content. The PSI was varying in different areas of West Lake, mainly related to the ecological adversity. We concluded that the release of P in sediments of the West Lake was at a high release risk after comprehensive considering the various related factors. Moreover, submerged plants restoration was regarded as an effective method to control endogenous P pollution in West Lake, Hangzhou, China.