
Title: Identification, structure analysis, and transcript profiling of phosphate transporters under Pi deficiency in duckweeds
First author: Zhao, Xuyao; Li, Gaojie; Sun, Zuoliang; Chen, Yan; Guo, Wenjun; Li, Yixian; Chen, Yimeng; Yang, Jingjing; Hou, Hongwei
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.08.037
Abstract: Phosphate transporters (PHTs) mediate the uptake and translocation of phosphate in plants. A comprehensive analysis of the PHT family in aquatic plant is still lacking. In this study, we identified 73 PHT members of six major PHT families from four duckweed species. The phylogenetic analysis, gene structure and protein characteristics analysis revealed that PHT genes are highly conserved among duckweeds. Interaction network and miRNA target prediction showed that SpPHTs could interact with the important components of the nitrate/ phosphate signaling pathway, and spo-miR399 might be a central regulator that mediates phosphate signal network in giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza). The modeled 3D structure of SpPHT proteins shared a high level of homology with template structures, which provide information to understand their functions at proteomic level. The expression profiles derived from transcriptome data and quantitative real-time PCR revealed that SpPHT genes are respond to exogenous stimuli and remarkably induced by phosphate starvation, phosphate is absorbed from aquatic environment by the whole duckweed plant. This study lays the foundation for further functional studies on PHT genes for genetic improvement and the promotion of phosphate uptake efficiency in duckweeds.