
Title: Four type I IFNs, IFNa1, IFNa2, IFNb, IFNc, and their receptor usage in an osteoglossomorph fish, the Asian arowana, Scleropages formosus
First author: Wang, Shuai; Chen, Shan Nan; Sun, Zheng; Pang, An Ning; Wang, Su; Liu, Lan Hao; Liu, Yang; Nie, P.
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2021.07.012
Abstract: In fish, type I IFNs are classified into three groups, i.e. Group I, Group II and Group III, which are further divided into seven subgroups according to the number of conservative cysteines, phylogenetic relationship, and probably their receptor complexes. In the present study, four type I IFNs and four cytokine receptor family B members (CRFBs) were identified in the Asian arowana, Scleropages formosus, an ancient species in the Osteoglossomorpha with commercial and conservation values. According to multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic relationship, the four type I IFNs are named as IFNa1, IFNa2, IFNb and IFNc, with the former two belonging to Group I, and the latter two to Group II. The four receptors are named as CRFB1, CRFB2, CRFB5a and CRFB5b. The IFNs and their possible receptor genes are widely expressed in examined organs/tissues, and are induced following the stimulation of polyinosinic polycytidylic acid (polyI:C) in vivo. It was found that IFNa1, IFNa2, IFNb and IFNc use preferentially the receptor complexes, CRFB1 and CRFB5b, CRFB1 and CRFB5b, CRFB2 and CRFB5a, and CRFB2 and CRFB5b, respectively, indicating the evolutionary diversification in the interaction of type I IFNs and their receptors in this ancient fish species, S. formosus.