
Title: Using molecular detection for the diversity and occurrence of cyanobacteria and 2-methylisoborneol-producing cyanobacteria in an eutrophicated reservoir in northern China
First author: Qiu, Pengfei; Chen, Youxin; Li, Chenjie; Huo, Da; Bi, Yonghong; Wang, Jianbo; Li, Yunchuang; Li, Renhui; Yu, Gongliang
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117772
Abstract: Aquatic ecosystems and drinking water supply systems worldwide are increasingly affected by taste and odor episodes. In this study, molecular approaches including next-generation sequencing (NGS) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to study the diversity and dynamics of cyanobacteria and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB)-producing cyanobacteria in Yuctiao Reservoir, a eutrophicated drinking water reservoir in Tianjin city, northern China. NGS revealed that the entire cyanobacterial community consisted of 16 genera, with Planktothrix (28.8%), Pseudanabaena (18.4%), Cylindrospermosis (7.8%), and Microcystis (7.6%) being the dominant genera, while microscopic examination identified only eight cyanobacterial genera. NGS of the 2-MIB synthesis gene revealed that Pseudanabaena and Planktothricoides were the main 2-MIB producers, with Pseudanabaena being dominant. This finding demonstrated that NGS can identify 2-MIB producers quickly and accurately and it can thus play an important role in the practical monitoring of aquatic ecology. The qPCR test showed 2-MIB synthesis gene with 4.27 x 10(6) copies/L to 2.24 x 10(9)copies/L occurring at the three sampling sites. The mic gene copy number increased before the 2-MIB concentration increased, indicating that forecasting role in dealing with the 2-MIB concentration by gene copy number. Predicting 2-MIB by qPCR in the field must be verified with additional studies. The combination of NGS and qPCR can be an even more comprehensive method to provide early warning information to managers of reservoirs and water utilities facing taste and odor incidents. This is the first amplicon NGS dataset based on 2-MIB gene to study the diversity and dynamics of 2-MIB-producing cyanobacteria.