
Title: Activation of Peroxymonosulfate Using Secondary Pyrolysis Oil-Based Drilling Cuttings Ash for Pollutant Removal
First author: Zhao, Yuqing; Yang, Hang; Sun, Jianfa; Zhang, Yi; Xia, Shibin
Journal: ACS OMEGA
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c01597
Abstract: In this study, the utilization of secondary pyrolysis oil-based drilling cuttings ash (OBDCA-sp) to activate peroxymonosulfate (PMS) for pollutant removal was investigated. The chemical and physical properties of OBDCA-sp were explicitly analyzed via multiple characterization. The activation efficiency of OBDCA-sp for PMS was tested using humic acid (HA) as the target pollutant. 92% of HA and 52% of total organic carbon in solution could be removed using OBDCA-sp-activated PMS under optimal conditions: OBDCA-sp dosage at 4 g/L, PMS concentration at 4 mmol/L, HA concentration at 10 mg/L, and pH value at 7. After four cycles, 84% removal rate of HA could still be achieved using OBDCA-sp to activate PMS. The main catalysis elements for PMS activation in OBDCA were postulated to be Fe(III), Co(III), and Mn(III), based on X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction results. The results of the quenching experiment indicated that SO4 center dot-, (OH)-O-center dot, and O-1(2) were the main reactive oxygen species (ROS) and that O-1(2) was the dominant ROS in the HA removal process. Radical trapping experiments indicated the presence of SO4 center dot-, (OH)-O-center dot, and O-1(2) in the reaction system. This study presented a novel utilization path of OBDCA in the field of environmental remediation.