
Title: Circulating concentrations of thyroid hormones and cortisol in wild and semi-natural Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)
First author: Nabi, Ghulam; Robeck, Todd R.; Hao Yujiang; Bin Tang; Zheng, Jinsong; Wang, Kexiong; Wang, Ding
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coab034
Abstract: Our understanding about how environmental and biological variables may influence circulating thyroid and adrenal hormones in free-ranging cetaceans is limited. As such, we used liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine concentrations of circulating cortisol and thyroid hormones (THs; tT3, tT4) in 132 Yangtze finless porpoises (YFPs) located in Poyang Lake, (PL, n= 92) and Tian-E-ZhouOxbowreserve (TZO, n= 40). For overall hormone comparisons, animals were partitioned by age [juvenile and adult (male and non-pregnant, non-lactating female)], sex, season (winter or spring) and geographical location. Geographically, during winter, circulating THs were significantly higher in the PL versus TZO population. Seasonally, within PL, THs were significantly higher in the winter versus spring season. Animals were further binned into groups as follows: juvenile male (JM) and juvenile female (JF), adult male (AM), non-pregnant adult female, pregnant female and non-pregnant lactating female. Intra- group comparisons between locations showed a significant increase in JM THs at PL. Significant increases in THs during winter compared to spring were detected between JM and JF groups. Mean comparisons of cortisol within and between locations for each group identified a significant increase for TZO AM versus TZO pregnant female and JM and JF. Seasonally, in PL, only JF has significantly higher cortisol in winter versus spring. Finally, we established reference values of THs and cortisol for YFPs in different geographical locations. These references are important baselines from which the effects of environmental and biological variables on THs and cortisol may be evaluated.