
Title: Nutrients regeneration pathway, release potential, transformation pattern and algal utilization strategies jointly drove cyanobacterial growth and their succession
First author: Li, Hui; Song, Chunlei; Yang, Liu; Qin, Hangdao; Cao, Xiuyun; Zhou, Yiyong
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2020.11.010
Abstract: In order to better understand the contribution of nutrients regeneration pathway, release potential and transformation pattern to cyanobacterial growth and succession, 7 sampling sites in Lake Chaohu with different bloom degree were studied every two months from February to November 2018. The carbon, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) forms or fractions in surface, interstitial water and sediments as well as extracellular enzymatic activities, P sorption, specific microbial abundance and community composition in sediments were analyzed. P regeneration pathway was dominated by iron-bound P desorption and phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria solubilization in severe-bloom and slight-bloom area respectively, which both resulted in high soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) accumulation in interstitial water. However, in severe-bloom area, higher P release potential caused the strong P release and algal growth, compared to slight-bloom area. In spring, P limitation and N selective assimilation of Dolichospermum facilitated nitrate accumulation in surface water, which provided enough N source for the initiation of Microcystis bloom. In summer, the accumulated organic N in Dolichospermum cells during its bloom was re-mineralized as ammonium to replenish N source for the sustainable development of Microcystis bloom. Furthermore, SRP continuous release led to the replacement of Dolichospermum by Microcystis with the advantage of P quick utilization, transport and storage. Taken together, the succession from Dolichospermum to Microcystis was due to both the different forms of N and P in water column mediated by different regeneration and transformation pathways as well as release potential, and algal N and P utilization strategies. (C) 2020 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.