
Title: Description of Hemienchytraeus wuhanensis sp. nov. (Annelida, Clitellata, Enchytraeidae) from central China, with comments on species records of Hemienchytraeus from China
First author: Chen, Juanjuan; Schmelz, Ruediger M.; Xie, Zhicai
Journal: ZOOKEYS
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1015.59019
Abstract: Hemienchytraeus wuhanensis sp. nov. is described from hardwood forest soil in Wuhan, China. This moderately sized enchytraeid species of 6-9 mm body length is characterized by: (1) an oesophageal appendage with tertiary branches, (2) three pairs of secondary pharyngeal gland lobes in V, VI, VII, (3) five pairs preclitellar nephridia, from 5/6 to 9/10, (4) dorsal vessel originating in clitellar segments, (5) a girdle-shaped clitellum, (6) a relatively small male reproductive apparatus without seminal vesicle, and (7) spermathccae that extend to VI-VII. DNA barcodes of paratype specimens of the new species are provided. Previous species records of Hemienchytraeus from China are critically discussed.