
Title: NLRC3-like 1 inhibits NOD1-RIPK2 pathway via targeting RIPK2
First author: Fang, Hong; Wu, Xiao Man; Hu, Yi Wei; Song, Yun Jie; Zhang, Jie; Chang, Ming Xian
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 112 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.dci.2020.103769
Abstract: Both NLRC3 and NOD1 belong to regulatory NLR subfamily based on their best-characterized function. In mammals, NLRC3 was reported to function by attenuating signaling cascades initiated by other families of PRRs. In teleosts, multiple NLRC3-like genes were identified through transcriptome sequencing. However, the functions of many NLRC3-like genes, especially the fish-specific NLRC3-like genes, remain unclear. In the present study, we report the functional characterization of a novel category of NLRC3-like proteins (named as NLRC3-like 1) from the zebrafish, which consists of a fish-specific FISNA, a conserved NACHT and five C-terminal LRRs domains. The expression of zebrafish NLRC3-like 1 was inducible in response to Edwardsiella piscicida infection. During bacterial infection, the in vitro and in vivo studies revealed that zebrafish NLRC3-like 1 overexpression facilitated bacterial growth and dissemination, together with the decreased survival rate of zebrafish larvae infected with E. piscicida. The attenuated response by zebrafish NLRC3-like 1 in response to bacterial infection were characterized by the impaired expression of antibacterial genes, proinflammatory cytokines and Nox genes. Furthermore, zebrafish NLRC3-like 1 interacted with the adaptor protein RIPK2 of NODs signaling via the FISNA (Fish-specific NACHT associated domain) and NACHT domains. However, the interaction between zebrafish NLRC3-like 1 and RIPK2 inhibited the assembly of the NOD1-RIPK2 complex. Importantly, zebrafish NLRC3-like 1 inhibited NOD1-mediated antibacterial activity, NF-kappa B and MAPK pathways and proinflammatory cytokine production. All together, these results firstly demonstrate that zebrafish NLRC3-like 1 inhibits NOD1-RIPK2 antibacterial pathway via targeting the adaptor protein RIPK2.