
Title: PGRL1 overexpression inPhaeodactylum tricornutuminhibits growth and reduces apparent PSII activity
First author: Zhou, Lu; Gao, Shan; Wu, Songcui; Han, Danxiang; Wang, Hui; Gu, Wenhui; Hu, Qiang; Wang, Jing; Wang, Guangce
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 103 /
DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14872
Abstract: Proton gradient regulation 5-like photosynthetic phenotype 1 (PGRL1)-dependent cyclic electron transport around photosystem I (PSI) plays important roles in the response to different stresses, including high light. Although the function of PGRL1 in higher plants and green algae has been thoroughly investigated, little information is available on the molecular mechanism of PGRL1 in diatoms. We created PGRL1 overexpression and knockdown transformants ofPhaeodactylum tricornutum, the diatom model species, and investigated the impact on growth and photosynthesis under constant and fluctuating light conditions. PGRL1 over-accumulation resulted in significant decreases in growth rate and apparent photosystem II (PSII) activity and led to an opposing change of apparent PSII activity when turning to high light, demonstrating a similar influence on photosynthesis as a PSII inhibitor. Our results suggested that PGRL1 overexpression can reduce the apparent efficiency of PSII and inhibit growth inP. tricornutum. These findings provide physiological evidence that the accumulation of PGRL1 mainly functions around PSII instead of PSI.