
Title: Insight into the Ex Situ Catalytic Pyrolysis of Biomass over Char Supported Metals Catalyst: Syngas Production and Tar Decomposition
First author: Hu, Mian; Cui, Baihui; Xiao, Bo; Luo, Shiyi; Guo, Dabin
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 10 /
DOI: 10.3390/nano10071397
Abstract: Ex situ catalytic pyrolysis of biomass using char-supported nanoparticles metals (Fe and Ni) catalyst for syngas production and tar decomposition was investigated. The characterizations of fresh Fe-Ni/char catalysts were determined by TGA, SEM-EDS, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), and XPS. The results indicated that nanoparticles metal substances (Fe and Ni) successfully impregnated into the char support and increased the thermal stability of Fe-Ni/char. Fe-Ni/char catalyst exhibited relatively superior catalytic performance, where the syngas yield and the molar ratio of H2/CO were 0.91 Nm3/kg biomass and 1.64, respectively. Moreover, the lowest tar yield (43.21 g/kg biomass) and the highest tar catalytic conversion efficiency (84.97 wt.%) were also obtained under the condition of Ni/char. Ultimate analysis and GC-MS were employed to analyze the characterization of tar, and the results indicated that the percentage of aromatic hydrocarbons appreciably increased with the significantly decrease in oxygenated compounds and nitrogenous compounds, especially in Fe-Ni/char catalyst, when compared with no catalyst pyrolysis. After catalytic pyrolysis, XPS was employed to investigate the surface valence states of the characteristic elements in the catalysts. The results indicated that the metallic oxides (MexOy) were reduced to metallic Me(0)as active sites for tar catalytic pyrolysis. The main reactions pathway involved during ex situ catalytic pyrolysis of biomass based on char-supported catalyst was proposed. These findings indicate that char has the potential to be used as an efficient and low-cost catalyst toward biomass pyrolysis for syngas production and tar decomposition.