
Title: Reticulocystis yunnanensegen. et sp. nov., a new member of freshwater Oocystaceae algae (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)
First author: Liu, Xudong; Wang, Qinghua; Zhu, Huan; Liu, Benwen; Rindi, Fabio; Liu, Guoxiang; Xie, Shulian; Hu, Zhengyu
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 55 /
DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2020.1751303
Abstract: Oocystis -like algae are diverse and found throughout the world. In this study, two new strains of algae with colonies resemblingOocystiswere identified and successfully cultured in the laboratory. A polyphasic approach, including light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA andrbcL cpDNA, was used to characterize the strains. Observation of the two strains showed a regular colonial morphology (cells/daughter colony are parallel to each other and positioned near the edge of the mother cell wall) and a characteristic fibrillar network structure on the mother cell wall is obvious in light microscopy, which distinguished them from otherOocystis-like members described previously. Molecular analyses revealed that the two strains form an independent lineage within the subfamily Makinoelloideae (Oocystaceae, Trebouxiophyceae), separated from other genera. Therefore, we described this alga asReticulocystis yunnanensegen. et sp. nov. The genera of Makinoelloideae with similar colonial morphotypes were revealed as not monophyletic and the relationships between them remained undetermined. Additional taxon sampling and data from additional multiple genes are necessary to assess the taxonomy of the Makinoelloideae.