
Title: Screening High CO2-Tolerant Oleaginous Microalgae from Genera Desmodesmus and Scenedesmus
First author: Yang, Juan; Zhang, Chunye; Hu, Hanhua
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 192 /
DOI: 10.1007/s12010-020-03319-5
Abstract: Microalgae from genus Scenedesmus sensu lato (including Desmodesmus and Scenedesmus) were reported to be particularly suitable candidates for CO2 biomitigation. In this study, 16 strains from Scenedesmus sensu lato were obtained from different climate zones of China and their phylogenetic positions were determined. Seven strains out of the 16 showed high CO2 tolerance and grew much faster under 20% CO2 than air condition. Two representatives from genera Desmodesmus (NMD46) and Scenedesmus (HBX310) respectively were selected due to their higher lipid productivity, and the maximum value of 146 mg L-1 day(-1) was achieved in NMD46. Triacylglycerols increased with the rising of CO2 levels from 0.04 to 15% in NMD46, while they changed little in HBX310. High CO2 level decreased the polyunsaturated fatty acid content in NMD46 but increased it in HBX310. NMD46 is more suitable for standardized biodiesel production in view of its lipid and fatty acid composition responses to high CO2.