
Title: The genome of the marine rotifer Brachionus koreanus sheds light on the antioxidative defense system in response to 2-ethyl-phenanthrene and piperonyl butoxide
First author: Park, Jun Chul; Choi, Beom-Soon; Kim, Min-Sub; Shi, Huahong; Zhou, Bingsheng; Park, Heum Gi; Lee, Jae-Seong
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 221 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105443
Abstract: Brachionus: spp. (Rotifera: Monogononta) have been introduced as ecotoxicological model-organisms that are widely distributed in aquatic environments. Among the Brachionus spp., the monogonont rotifer Brachionus koreanus has been widely used for ecology, ecotoxicology, and evolution, thus, providing the whole genome data of B. koreanus is important for further understandings of in-depth molecular mechanisms. In this study, the completed assembly and characterization of the B. koreanus genome resulted in a total length of 85.7 Mb with 14,975 annotated genes. The final number of scaffolds was 567 with an N50 value and a GC content of 1.86 Mb and 24.35 %, respectively. Based on the fully constructed genome database, a total of 24 CYPs, 23 GSTs, two SODs, and a single CAT genes were identified and analyzed antioxidant activities (CAT, SOD, and GST), and transcriptional regulation of the entire CYPs, GSTs, SODs, and CAT in response to 2-ethyl-phenanthrene (2-ethyl-PHE) and piperonyl butoxide (PBO), to demonstrate the usefulness of the whole genome library of B. koreanus in response xenobiotic-induced oxidative stress. The assembled B. koreanus genome will provide a better understanding on the molecular ecotoxicology in the view of molecular mechanisms underlying toxicological responses, particularly on xenobiotic detoxification processes in the rotifer B. koreanus.