
Title: Temperature modulating sand-consolidating cyanobacterial biomass, nutrients removal and bacterial community dynamics in municipal wastewater
First author: Wu, Li; Qian, Long; Deng, Zhikang; Zhou, Xiaolong; Li, Bolin; Lan, Shubin; Yang, Lie; Zhang, Zulin
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 301 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.122758
Abstract: Cultivating sand-consolidating cyanobacteria using wastewater has unique advantages on both nutrients recycling and ecological restoration by transferring excessive nutrients from wastewaters to desert areas. Although previous study showed that sand-consolidating cyanobacterium well adapted to synthetic domestic wastewater, no study has been carried out on actual wastewater. This study aims to investigate the sand-consolidating cyanobacterial biomass production and nutrients removal by cultivating Scytonema hyalinum in the municipal wastewater under different temperatures. The results showed that biomass accumulation increased with temperature from 20 degrees C to 30 degrees C, while severely depressed at 35 degrees C. More than 81.63% sCOD, 90.64% TDN and 97.08% TDP were removed by day 30 under each temperature except for 35 degrees C. The inoculation of S. hyalinum strongly regulated the native wastewater bacterial community. These results indicated that sand-consolidating cyanobacterium S. hyalinum well adapted to municipal wastewater and temperature had remarkable effects on cyanobacterial biomass accumulation, nutrients removal and wastewater native bacterial community dynamics.