
Title: Photo-induced phosphate release during sediment resuspension in shallow lakes: A potential positive feedback mechanism of eutrophication
First author: Guo, Minli; Li, Xiaolu; Song, Chunlei; Liu, Guanglong; Zhou, Yiyong
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 258 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113679
Abstract: Dissolved phosphate (P-i) can be released during resuspended sediments exposed to sunlight. However, the significance of this phenomenon in the process of eutrophication is not clear. In this study, the behavior of photo-induced P-i release during sediment resuspension in shallow lakes with the different trophic states was investigated. The amount of photo-induced P-i release in the sediment resuspension from Lake Liangzi, Lake Dong, Lake Tangxun and Lake Longyang in China was 0.013, 0.019, 0.032, and 0.048 mg/L, respectively, and increased as the trophic states of the lakes increased. The results of phosphorus speciation analysis showed that the phosphate monoester in the particulate phosphorus is the organic phosphorus species participated in the photochemical reaction. The steady-state concentration of hydroxyl radical ((OH)-O-center dot) in the sediment resuspension also increased along with the trophic states of lakes increased and dissolved organic matter (DOM), nitrate, and Fe3+ presented in sediment resuspension were the main photosensitizers for (OH)-O-center dot production. All these results indicate that the increase of trophic states of lakes leads to the accumulation of organic phosphorus and (OH)-O-center dot, resulting in more dissolved phosphate photo-released, which accelerate the eutrophication process in a form of positive feedback. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.