
Title: Marker gene analysis reveals the spatial and seasonal variations in the eukaryotic phytoplankton community composition in the Yangtze River, Three Gorges Reservoir, China
First author: Hu, Yuxin; Liu, Xudong; Xing, Weiyue; Hu, Zhengyu; Liu, Guoxiang
Years: 2019
Volume / issue: 41 /
DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbz065
Abstract: The eukaryotic phytoplankton community in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) of the Yangtze River in China was investigated, based on marker gene analysis of the 18S rRNA V4 region. Community composition was investigated in four seasons (to assess seasonal variation) and in the mainstream and tributary of the river (to assess spatial variation). Chlorophyll a concentration was used to estimate eukaryotic phytoplankton biomass. A significant negative correlation of biomass and evenness was found in the TGR; this relationship may be due to a few highly competitive species dominating the eukaryotic phytoplankton community, suggesting that eukaryotic phytoplankton bloom events tend to occur in such communities. Our results showed that eukaryotic phytoplankton is more likely to bloom in the tributary when compared with mainstream, and we identified two unreported algal blooms, Tetraselmis and Mychonastes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a novel lineage in Cryptophyta and substantially more diverse species in Bacillariophyta, two high relative abundance operational taxonomic units in Bacillariophyta classified to Peridiniopsis diatom endosymbionts; their high relative abundance may result from a high relative abundance of the genus Peridiniopsis. We found that Cryptomonas was the most widely distributed genus and had the highest relative abundance, and species in TGR that have higher relative abundance tend to be distributed more widely.