
Title: Effects of organic carbon consumption on denitrifier community composition and diversity along dissolved oxygen vertical profiles in lake sediment surface
First author: Hong Pei; Gong Shihao; Wang Chunbo; Shu Yilin; Wu Xingqiang; Tian Cuicui; Donde, Oscar Omondi; Cai Pei; Wu Huaming; Xiao Bangding
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 38 /
DOI: 10.1007/s00343-019-9103-z
Abstract: At present, the understanding of the dynamics of denitrifiers at different dissolved oxygen (DO) layers under organic carbon consumption within the surface sediments remains inadequate. In this study, high-throughput sequencing and quantitative PCR targeting nirS gene were used to analyze the denitrifier abundance dynamics, community composition, and structure for aerobic (DO 0.5-6.9 mg/L), hypoxic-anoxic (DO 0-0.5 mg/L), and anoxic (DO 0 mg/L) layers in surface sediments under organic carbon consumption. Based on the analysis of nirS gene abundance, the values of denitrifying bacteria decreased with organic carbon consumption at different DO layers. When the bacterial species abundance at the genus level were compared between the high-carbon and low-carbon sediments, there was significant increase in 6 out of 36, 7 out of 36 and 6 out of 36 genera respectively for the aerobic, hypoxic-anoxic and anoxic layers. On the other hand, 14 out of 36, 9 out of 36 and 15 out of 36 genera showed significant decrease in bacterial species abundance respectively for the aerobic, hypoxic-anoxic and anoxic layers. Additionally, 14 out of 36, 20 out of 36, and 15 out of 36 genera had no change in bacterial species abundance respectively for the aerobic, hypoxic-anoxic, and anoxic layers. This indicates that the carbon utilization ability of different denitrifiers on each DO layers was generally different from each other. Diversity of denitrifying bacteria also presented significant differences in different DO layers between the high- and low-carbon content sediment layers. Moreover, under the high-carbon and low-carbon content, the abundance of nirS gene showed a high peak within the hypoxic-anoxic regions, suggesting that this region might be the main distribution area for the denitrifying bacteria within the surface sediments. Furthermore, community of unique denitrifiers occurred in different DO layers and the adaptive changes of the denitrifier community followed the organic carbon consumption.