
Title: Characterization of the mitochondrial genome of Megalobrama terminalis in the Heilong River and a clearer phylogeny of the genus Megalobrama
First author: Hu, Xuesong; Luan, Peixian; Caol, Chunhua; Li, Chitao; Jia, Zhiying; Ge, Yanlong; Shang, Mei; Wang, Shihui; Meng, Zining; Tong, Jingou; Shi, Lianyu
Years: 2019
Volume / issue: 9 /
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44721-2
Abstract: Megalobrama terminalis distributed in Sino-Russian Heilong-Amur River basin has decreased dramatically in the last few decades. It has been listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation as an endangered fish species. Here, the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequence of M. terminalis in the Heilong River (MTH) was first determined and characterized. Additionally, we identified a population-specific single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) locus in MTH which could effectively separate MTH from the six other populations of the genus Megalobrama in the absence of hybridization. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses determined that the Xi River M. hoffmanni is located at the basal branch of the Glade, and the rest of the group is divided into two assemblages, namely, one containing M. terminalis from Qiantang River and Jinsha River Reservoir/Longxi River M. Pellegrini/MTH and the other containing M. amblycephala from Liangzi Lake and Yi River. We clarify the intraspecies identity of MTH and construct a clearer phylogeny of the genus Megalobrama, which will contribute to the germplasm identification, protection and development of MTH in the future.