
Title: Influence of growth phase on the harvesting of Scenedesmus acuminatus using ultrafiltration
First author: Ye, Jing; Sha, Jun; Liu, Qingling; Zhang, Xuezhi; Hu, Qiang; Chen, Yongsheng
Years: 2019
Volume / issue: 660 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.020
Abstract: Cellular characteristics and algogenic organic matter (AOM) properties change with culture time. This study aims to understand the changes throughout the growth phase, and their effect on Scenedesmus acuminatus harvesting using ultrafiltration. The variations in cellular particle size distribution, cellular EPS content, and the biochemical composition and molecular weight of AOM were analyzed, followed by the membrane harvesting of the original S. acuminatus suspension, AOM-free cells and cell-free AOM. The results showed that the average flux for the original suspension increased with growth phase and reached an increase of 36.3% in the declining phase. AOM played a greater role than S. acuminatus cells in flux decline for all growth phases. Exponential-phase AOM contained a greater high-MW fraction and more carbohydrates, and the exponential cells were smaller cells and had a higher EPS content; these characteristics resulted in a reduced average flux. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.