
Title: A novel low cost microalgal harvesting technique with coagulant recovery and recycling
First author: Yang, Lin; Wang, Lan; Zhang, Haiyang; Li, Cheng; Zhang, Xuezhi; Hu, Qiang
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 266 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.06.105
Abstract: In this study, a novel low cost and sustainable microalgal harvesting technique was developed using the concept of coagulant recovery concentration and recycling. Al3+ can be recovered from harvested Scenedesmus acuminatus biomass with 0.1 M HCl, at an acid solution-biomass ratio of 250 ml g(-1). The residual Al3+ content in the purified biomass was reduced to 0.11 +/- 0.0006 mg g(-1), while a higher content of 59.74 +/- 3.11 mgg(-1) was found in the coagulation harvested biomass. The recovered Al3+ solution was concentrated 25 times and then reused for the harvesting of S. acuminatus. The Al3+ recovery and reuse were repeated 5 times, and the harvesting efficiencies were found higher than the fresh Al3+ as a result of the presence of extracellular polymeric substances in the recovered coagulant solution which aided the coagulation process. According to the technical-economic analysis, the cost of chemicals decreased 50% after 5 times recycling.