
Title: Polyphasic examination on Merismopedia tenuissima CHAB 7021 from Ganjiang River, China revealed the polyphyly of the genus Merismopedia (Cyanobacteria)
First author: Shen Liqin; Ma Suchao; Cai Fangfang; Yu Gongliang; Li Shouchun; Li Renhui
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 36 /
DOI: 10.1007/s00343-018-7341-0
Abstract: Species in the cyanobacterial genus Merismopedia are present in freshwaters at different trophic levels, with some species even as the components of cyanobacterial blooms. However, species diversity in this genus was not fully verified by molecular investigation and polyphasic taxonomic studies. In this study, Merismopedia-like strain tenuissima CHAB 7021 was isolated from Ganjiang River in Jiangxi Province, China, and polyphasic characterization of this strain was performed by morphological observation, ultrastructural examination, chemical detection of pigments and phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. Morphological identification of the strain was supported by the ultrastructural features, as the tiny species Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann. The phylogeny based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed at least three clades formed by the strains of Merismopedia. The three M. tenuissima strains including M. tenuissima CHAB 7021 was gathered in clade III with distant relationship to the clade I formed by the six Merismopedia strains including the type species M. punctata, and such a genetic distance may propose Merismopedia tenuissima to separate from Merismopedia genus. However intermixture relationship in between strains of M. punctate and M. glauca in the phylogenetic tree still complicated the taxonomic status in the genus Merismopedia. The process for taxonomic revision in the Merismopedia genus still await for examination and further information on more strains of type species M. punctata.