
Title: Paradigm changes in freshwater aquaculture practices in China: Moving towards achieving environmental integrity and sustainability
First author: Wang, Qidong; Li, Zhongjie; Gui, Jian-Fang; Liu, Jiashou; Ye, Shaowen; Yuan, Jing; De Silva, Sena S.
Journal: AMBIO
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 47 /
DOI: 10.1007/s13280-017-0985-8
Abstract: Contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to global food security is linked to increased fish consumption. Projections indicate that an additional 30-40 million tonnes of fish will be required by 2030. China leads global aquaculture production accounting for 60% in volume and 45% in value. Many changes in the Chinese aquaculture sector are occurring to strive towards attaining environmental integrity and prudent use of resources. We focus on changes introduced in freshwater aquaculture developments in China, the main source of food fish supplies. We bring forth evidence in support of the contention that Chinese freshwater aquaculture sector has introduced major paradigm changes such as prohibition of fertilisation in large water bodies, introduction of stringent standards on nutrients in effluent and encouragement of practices that strip nutrients among others, which will facilitate long-term sustainability of the sector.