
Title: Multigene-based phylogeny of Urostylida (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), with establishment of a novel family
First author: Lyu, Zhao; Wang, Jingyi; Huang, Jie; Warren, Alan; Shao, Chen
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 47 /
DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12267
Abstract: The Urostylida is a major taxon of hypotrichs with many unresolved evolutionary relationships. Due to incomplete or inaccurate character states and a paucity of morphogenetic data, the phylogeny of several taxa within urostylids is unresolved. Molecular phylogeny studies based on single gene (SSU rDNA) data may lead to conflict between morphological classification and SSU rDNA tree. In this work, 20 new sequences (SSU rDNA, ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and LSU rDNA) of five genera of urostylids are provided to further investigate the phylogenetic relationships of this group. The main findings are as follows: (i) the establishment of Hemicycliostylidae, a novel family presently including Hemicycliostyla and Australothrix, is supported by both single gene and concatenated phylogenies; (ii) all molecular data support the exclusion of Eschaneustyla from the family Epiclintidae; (iii) Australothrix, Bergeriella and Thigmokeronopsis are distinctly separated in all gene trees although they share the character that each posterior streak generates the ventral row together with the midventral pair; (iv) compared with closely related genera in all trees, that is Metaurostylopsis and Apourostylopsis, Neourostylopsis is characterized by having more than three frontal cirri arranged in distinct or indistinct corona rather than the length of the midventral complex; (v) Hemicycliostyla and Pseudourostyla, two morphologically similar genera, do not form a monophyletic group in all molecular trees, suggesting that the bicorona, multiple marginal cirral rows and high numbers of dorsal kineties may result from convergent evolution; (vi) species of Bakuella fall into three separate clades in all trees suggesting that this genus needs to be split.