
Title: FVD: The fish-associated virus database
First author: Chen, Yaxin; Shi, Mijuan; Cheng, Yingyin; Zhang, Wanting; Tang, Qin; Xia, Xiao-Qin
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 58 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2017.11.004
Abstract: With the expanding of marine and freshwater aquaculture, the outbreaks of aquatic animal diseases have increasingly become the major threats to the healthy development of aquaculture industries. Notably, viral infections lead to massive fish deaths and result in great economic loss every year across the world. Hence, it is meaningful to clarify the biodiversity, geographical distribution and host specificity of fish-associated viruses. In this study, viral sequences detected in fish samples were manually collected from public resources, along with the related metadata, such as sampling time, location, specimen type and fish species. Moreover, the information regarding the host fish, including aliases, diet type and geographic distribution were also integrated into a database (FVD). To date, FVD covers the information of 4860 fish-associated viruses belonging to 15 viral families, which were detected from 306 fish species in 57 countries. Meanwhile, sequence alignment, live data statistics and download function are available. Through the user-friendly interface, FVD provides a practical platform that would not only benefit virologists who want to disclose the spread of fish-associated viruses, but also zoologists who focus on the health of domestic and wild animals. Furthermore, it may facilitate the surveillance and prevention of fish viral diseases.