
Title: Length-weight relationships of nine fish species from the Qingjiang River, Yangtze River basin, China
First author: Huang, G.; Wang, Q. D.; Chen, X. H.; Yuan, T.; Xiang, T.; Liu, J. S.; Yuan, J.; Li, Z. J.
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 34 /
DOI: 10.1111/jai.13510
Abstract: This study presents the first report of length-weight relationships (LWRs) for five fish species (Parabotia fasciata, Megalobrama mantschuricus, Plagiognathops microlepis, Rhodeus sinensis, Rhodeus fangi) and maximum total lengths for four species from the Qingjiang River, Yangtze River basin, China. Specimens were sampled in six sections along the Qingjiang River over a period of 1 year between April 2016 and March 2017 with gill nets (150 x 10 m; mesh size: 1-14 cm), benthic fyke nets (mouth opening: 12 x 12 cm; 10 m; mesh size: 1 cm) and stationary lift nets (10 x 10 m; mesh size: 0.8cm).