
Title: EOGD: the Euplotes octocarinatus genome database
First author: Wang, Ruan-lin; Miao, Wei; Wang, Wei; Xiong, Jie; Liang, Ai-hua
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 19 /
DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4445-z
Abstract: Background: Euplotes, a ciliated protozoan, is a useful unicellular model organism. Studies on Euplotes have provided excellent insights into various basic biological principles. We have recently sequenced the macronuclear genome of the common freshwater species Euplotes octocarinatus to provide novel insights into Euplotes genetics and molecular biology. Results: In this study, we present the E. octocarinatus Genome Database (EOGD), a functional annotation and analysis platform for the global study of the Euplotes genome. EOGD includes macronuclear genomic and transcriptomic data, predicted gene models, coding sequences, protein sequences, and functional annotations. The GBrowser and BLAST tools are embedded in EOGD to enable the search, visualization and analysis of E. octocarinatus genomic and transcriptomic data. Conclusions: EOGD is a useful resource for the research community, particularly for researchers who conduct genome-scale analysis and molecular biology studies of Euplotes or other ciliates. EOGD will be continuously updated to integrate more datasets and analytical tools. EOGD is freely available at