
Title: Genetic identification of a newly synthetic allopolyploid strain with 206 chromosomes in polyploid gibel carp
First author: Lu, Meng; Wang, Zhong-Wei; Hu, Chong-Jiang; Zhou, Li; Gui, Jian-Fang
Years: 2018
Volume / issue: 49 /
DOI: 10.1111/are.13485
Abstract: A newly synthetic allopolyploid strain (SAS) was selected and established from gynogenetic offspring of gibel carp clone A(+) with 156 chromosomes induced by common carp sperm with 50 chromosomes. In this study, the allopolyploid strain was detected to contain 206 chromosomes, and the growth trait was evaluated to have 25.15% growth faster than that of clone A(+). Genetic marker analyses of transferrin (Tf) alleles, ITS1 sequences and mtDNA D-loop sequences indicated that the allopolyploid strain was synthetized from maternal gibel carp clone A(+) and paternal common carp, and the synthetic chromosome sets were further confirmed by genomic insitu hybridization (GISH) and chromosome localization of 45S rDNA. Significantly, the synthetic allopolyploid strain has tended to be stable by five successive generations of gynogenesis, because it still keeps unisexual reproduction mode of gynogenesis. Therefore, it will become a novel variety for gibel carp aquaculture in future.