
Title: Steroidogenic factor-1 hypermethylation in maternal rat blood could serve as a biomarker for intrauterine growth retardation
First author: Wu, Dong-Mei; Ma, Liang-Peng; Song, Gui-Li; Long, Yong; Liu, Han-Xiao; Liu, Yang; Ping, Jie
Years: 2017
Volume / issue: 8 /
DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.21767
Abstract: Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) is a common obstetric complication lacking an optimal method for prenatal screening. DNA methylation profile in maternal blood holds significant promise for prenatal screening. Here, we aimed to screen out potential IUGR biomarkers in maternal blood from the perspective of DNA methylation. The IUGR rat model was established by prenatal maternal undernutrition. High-throughput bisulfite sequencing of genomic DNA methylation followed by functional clustering analysis for differentially methylated region (DMR)-associated genes demonstrated that genes regulating transcription had the most significantly changed DNA methylation status in maternal blood with IUGR. Genes about apoptosis and placental development were also changed. Besides increased placental apoptosis, IUGR rats demonstrated the same hypermethylated CpG sites of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1, a DMR-associated transcription factor about placenta) promoter in maternal blood and placentae. Further, ff1b, the SF-1 ortholog, was knocked out in zebrafish by CRISPR/Cas9 technology. The knock-out zebrafish demonstrated developmental inhibition and increased IUGR rates, which confirmed the role of SF-1 in IUGR development. Finally, hypermethylated SF-1 was observed in human maternal blood of IUGR. This study firstly presented distinct DNA methylation profile in maternal blood of IUGR and showed hypermethylated SF-1 could be a potential IUGR biomarker in maternal rat blood.