
Title: Dynamic Changes of IsiA-Containing Complexes during Long-Term Iron Deficiency in Synechocystis sp PCC 6803
First author: Ma, Fei; Zhang, Xin; Zhu, Xi; Li, Tianpei; Zhan, Jiao; Chen, Hui; He, Chenliu; Wang, Qiang
Years: 2017
Volume / issue: 10 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2016.10.009
Abstract: Iron stress-induced protein A (IsiA), a major chlorophyll-binding protein in the thylakoid membrane, is significantly induced under iron deficiency conditions. Using immunoblot analysis and 77 K fluorescence spectroscopy combined with sucrose gradient fractionation, we monitored dynamic changes of IsiA-containing complexes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 during exposure to long-term iron deficiency. Within 3 days of exposure to iron deficiency conditions, the initially induced free IsiA proteins preferentially conjugated to PS I trimer to form IsiA(18)-PS I trimers, which serve as light energy collectors for efficiently transmitting energy to PS I. With prolonged iron deficiency, IsiA proteins assembled either into IsiA aggregates or into two other types of IsiA-PS I supercomplexes, namely IsiA-PS I high fluorescence supercomplex (IHFS) and IsiA-PS I low fluorescence supercomplex (ILFS). Further analysis revealed a role for IsiA as an energy dissipater in the IHFS and as an energy collector in the ILFS. The trimeric structure of PS I mediated by PsaL was found to be indispensable for the formation of IHFS/ILFS. Dynamic changes in IsiA-containing complexes in cyanobacteria during long-term iron deficiency may represent an adaptation to iron limitation stress for flexible light energy distribution, which balances electron transfer between PS I and PS II, thus minimizing photooxidative damage.