
Title: Characterization of the Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP) Interactome Reveals Novel Binding Partners in Human Cancer Cells
First author: Li, Siting; Chen, Minghai; Xiong, Qian; Zhang, Jia; Cui, Zongqiang; Ge, Feng
Years: 2016
Volume / issue: 15 /
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00556
Abstract: Translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) is a highly conserved housekeeping protein present in eukaryotic organisms. It is involved in regulating many fundamental processes and plays a critical role in tumor reversion and tumorigenesis. Increasing evidence suggests that TCTP plays a role in the regulation of cell fate determination and is a promising therapeutic target for cancer. To decipher the exact mechanisms by which TCTP functions and how all these functions are integrated, we analyzed the interactome of TCTP in HeLa cells by coimmunoprecipitation (IP) and mass spectrometry (MS). A total of 98 proteins were identified. We confirmed the in vitro and in vivo association of TCTP with six of the identified binding proteins using reciprocal IP and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) analysis, respectively. Moreover, TCTP interacted with Y-box-binding protein 1 (YBX1), and their interaction was localized to the N-terminal region of TCTP and the 1-129 amino acid (aa) residues of YBX1. The YBX1 protein plays an important role in cell proliferation, RNA splicing, DNA repair, drug resistance, and stress response to extracellular signals. These data suggest that the interaction of TCTP with YBX1 might cooperate or coordinate their functions in the control of diverse regulatory pathways in cancer cells. Taken together, our results not only reveal a large number of TCTP-associated proteins that possess pleiotropic functions, but also provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of TCTP in tumorigenesis.