
Title: Identification of Anticancer Drug Candidate Targeting Nuclear Receptor Retinoid X receptor-alpha from Natural Products using Receptor-Ligand Recognition
First author: Luo, Qiang; Wang, Zhaokai; Chen, Huibin; Fang, Hui; Xie, Shouqi; Qian, Xueqiao; Lin, Xiangzhi
Years: 2016
Volume / issue: 1 /
DOI: 10.1002/slct.201600907
Abstract: Natural products (NP), especially medicinal plants, have been used worldwide to treat numerous diseases for thousands of years. However, drug discovery focus has been moving away from identifying lead compounds from complex mixtures of crude NP because this approach is technically difficult and inefficient. We here present a quick, accurate and practical method for screening leads targeting a nuclear receptor from NP mixtures. Using the method, we rapidly identified erythrotriol as a new lead compound from medicinal plant Hibiscus syriacus L. targeting RXR alpha for treating cancer with less side effects. This method can efficiently and profitably screen lead compounds targeting nuclear receptors and may reinvigorate interest in NP as sources of pharmaceutical agents.