
Title: Mitogenomic perspectives on the origin of Tibetan loaches and their adaptation to high altitude
First author: Wang, Ying; Shen, Yanjun; Feng, Chenguang; Zhao, Kai; Song, Zhaobin; Zhang, Yanping; Yang, Liandong; He, Shunping
Years: 2016
Volume / issue: 6 /
DOI: 10.1038/srep29690
Abstract: Tibetan loaches are the largest group of Tibetan fishes and are well adapted to the Tibetan Plateau. To investigate the origin of Tibetan loaches and their adaptations to the Tibetan Plateau, we determined 32 complete mitochondrial genomes that included 29 Tibetan loach species, two Barbatula species and Schistura longus. By combining these newly determined sequences with other previously published mitochondrial genomes, we assembled a large mitogenomic data set (11,433 bp) of 96 species in the superfamily Cobitoidea, to investigate the phylogenetic status of the genus Triplophysa. The resulting phylogeny strongly supported that the genus Triplophysa forms a monophyletic group within Nemacheilidae. Our molecular dating time suggests that the lineage leading to the Tibetan loaches and other loaches diverged approximately 23.5 Ma, which falls within the period of recent major uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau in the Early Miocene. Selection analyses revealed that the mitochondrial protein-coding genes of Tibetan loaches have larger ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions than do those of non-Tibetan loaches, indicating that Tibetan loaches accumulated more nonsynonymous mutations than non-Tibetan loaches and exhibited rapid evolution. Two positively selected sites were identified in the ATP8 and ND1 genes.