Mitogenomic Evolutionary Rates in Bilateria being Influenced by Parasitic Lifestyle and Locomotory Capacity
Researchers Decipher Structure, Function, and Mechanism of Lysine Acetyltransferase cGNAT2 in Cyanobacteria
Exploring Immunomodulatory and Antioxidant Potential of Gallic Acid in Fish Gut-Liver Axis
Researchers Reveal Regulatory Effect and Mechanism of Anionic Surfactants on Toxicity of Microcystis Blooms under Environmental Concentrations in the Surface Microlayer of Lakes
Habitat-specific Environmental Factors Regulate Spatial Variability of Biological Soil Crust Microbial Communities on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Eutrophication Decreases Ecological Resilience by Reducing Species Diversity and Altering Functional Traits of Submerged Macrophytes
Researchers Reveal Key Role of ASD-risk Factor POGZ in Control of 2C Program and Retrotransposon Elements
Researchers Unveil How Temperature Mediates Microbial Carbon Utilization in China's Lakes
Researchers Reveal Genetic Mechanisms Underlying Invasion Success of Carassius auratus in a High-altitude Environment
Community Analysis Boosts Microplastics Research on Land Use Impact Studies
Researchers Identify Homogenization of Microplastics in Rivers of Qilian Mountain, China
Efficient Approach to Synthesize Sterile Allopolyploids in Polyploid Carassius Complex
Manipulation of Cell Suspensions from Zebrafish Intestinal Mucosa Contributes to Understanding Enteritis
Researchers Identify Role of Introgression during Radiation of Triplophysa Adapted to Tibetan Plateau
Invasive Species Should Look Like Natives...But Not Too Much