IHB Celebrates 2024 Graduates with Commencement Ceremony and Prestigious Awards
IHB and Hubei Fisheries Group Forge Partnership for Aquaculture Innovation
Yangtze River Simulator Recognized among 2023's Top 10 Ecological and Environmental Scientific Advancements in China
Fifth National Symposium on Microplastic Pollution and Control Held in Wuhan
Professor LIM, Wallace Boon Leong from the University of Hong Kong Visits IHB
Professor LI Dapeng from Huazhong Agricultural University Visits IHB
Fourth Finless Porpoise Care Month Launched in Wuhan
Delegation Reviews Chishui River Fish Conservation Efforts and Discusses Yangtze River Protection
Professor from Ocean University of China Visits IHB
Professor from the Institute of Zoology Visits IHB
Researchers from Xiangxi River Station Conducts Ecological Science Outreach in Schools
Professor from the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission Visits IHB
2023 Special Project for Improving IHB Research Conditions Passes Acceptance
Professor from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Visits IHB
Second Aquatic Biology Forum Held by the IHB